How much airflow do we need to ventilate? Airflow is the volume of air moved by a fan per unit of time, usually expressed in cubic feet per minute (cfm) or meters cubed per second (m³/s). For general ventilation, airflow can be calculated by: Area method Air change method Occupancy method Heat removal method Area
Fan Basics: What is a Fan?
For a quick refresher on fan fundamentals, download a PDF copy of our Fan Basics: What is a Fan?; Fan Impeller; Fan Terminology; Fan Laws; Fan Ratings; Selecting a Fan; Airflow Rate; Static Pressure; Fan Curves; Which Fan to Choose?______________________________________________________________________________________ FAN BASICS: WHAT IS A FAN? A fan is a power-driven machine used to
EC Fan Array
An EC Fan Array is designed to move large volumes of air at medium to high pressures, and provides a sensible, cost-saving alternative to using a large, single fan system. Not only does the parallel action of the multiple fans in an EC Fan Array achieve the performance of a conventional large single AC fan,
What is the best duct for bathroom ventilation?
When it comes to choosing the right duct, people often ask, “What is the best duct for bathroom ventilation?” While there isn’t necessarily one absolute right choice, many times the best option is the flexible insulated duct. The flexible insulated duct is recommended for this application to minimize condensation in bathrooms (or other warm and
Thermal Destratification
Is it a challenge to heat or cool your warehouse, distribution center, athletic facility, or any other building with high ceilings? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. High ceilings in large facilities can put a strain on the best HVAC system, and they can present a challenge to produce a truly comfortable environment.
Why STEM Matters to Every American
Why STEM matters to every American? Today’s manufacturing industry paints a very different picture than it did 50 years ago, and just as different as even ten years ago. Earlier in the century, it was an industry whose jobs were of course important, but often repetitive and low-skill. Ten years ago, the industry’s jobs were
Features and Advantages of Motorized Impellers
When it comes to commercial / industrial cooling, it may seem that there are a lot of choices, making it hard to know which is best. What’s important to know is that for many applications—from electronic cabinet cooling to air filtration, fume hoods, heat exchangers—motorized impellers offer distinct advantages over other air movers. There are
Celebrating Customer Service: In October and Beyond
Did you know that October 7-11 was Customer Service Week? That’s right, an entire week officially dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of customer service, motivating employees, rewarding workers, and reminding customers how important they are to you. A great concept, indeed! Customer Service Week might have come and gone, but we believe it
Introducing a New Line of Commercial Fans
At Continental Fan, we are proud of the products that our customers have come to rely on. We’re also constantly working on introducing new and exciting fans that showcase our innovation and forward-thinking approach to what we do. With that in mind, we are very excited about the launch of our new line of commercial
If you’re selling a home, don’t forget to upgrade the thing you can’t see.
Don’t forget to upgrade the thing you can’t see if you’re selling a home. Depending on where you are located, the market is telling you to do certain things with your house before selling it. Maybe your market is flooded with homes for sale, and your Realtor has asked you to do a number of